
31.03.2020 | COVID

Dear all,
in the face of current events regarding the prevailing pandemic of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the epidemic state that has been introduced in the country, many business entities have been exposed to difficulties in operating in the market on the current basis. Many of these entrepreneurs will encounter problems with maintaining liquidity and settling their obligations. The emerging crisis is slowly beginning to affect both sole proprietors and those operating as part of large partnerships or companies. The current situation raises a lot of questions and doubts, including those regarding the possibility of obtaining payment for services performed in accordance with the contracts concluded.

In the opinion of the lawyers of Kijewski Gras sp. k., it is not only entities involved in the transport of goods, the tourist industry or the trade sector that are threatened by the current situation, as black clouds are also gathering over other sectors of the economy, and there are, after all, significant connections and dependencies between many of them. For this reason, taking care of your interests, as our clients, we offer comprehensive debt recovery services based on respect for the principles of ethics and applicable law.

The law firm conducts debt collection in a complete manner, distinguishing its various stages, starting from debt collection based on the accounting department, monitoring payments and addressing calls for payment, also including interest rates (including interest for delay in commercial transactions), to debt collection at the judicial and enforcement stage.

We distinguish so-called soft debt collection - based on debt management with benefits for both parties, often through negotiation and agreement of repayment terms without going to court. In the course of the proceedings, many cases are resolved amicably, by concluding all kinds of settlements or agreements on repayment of arrears. The firm proposes solutions tailored to the situation, often preparing installment arrangements.

However, there are situations when there is no will on the part of the debtor to settle the matter amicably, then, in accordance with the applicable regulations, documentation is prepared and a lawsuit with a detailed description of the factual and legal status with all attachments. Such a way of claiming debts is called hard debt collection, at this stage there is no more room for negotiation, but for efficient actions aimed at resolving the case by the court. Obtaining a payment order and its validity is the end of a certain stage of the case, but it is the beginning of enforcement proceedings, where with the help of experienced bailiffs manage to enforce debts throughout the country.

Any claim to which you are entitled must be adequately substantiated by presenting contracts, VAT invoices, Wz forms, correspondence with the debtor, receipts, and other documents that may be relevant in proving the claim to which you are entitled.

In the current situation, it seems necessary to implement measures to enforce debts. Our lawyers are experienced in handling disputes and payment proceedings at every stage, and offer support and information when any doubts arise on your side.

Matthew Grosicki

Lawyer, partner
+48 506 367 109 |

Jakub Cybul

Junior lawyer
+ 48 724 243 823 |